< CSHS >

About CSHS
We are the Myers Park High School Computer Science Honor Society (MPHS CSHS).
Our goal is to educate, engage, and connect peers
who share an enthusiasm for computer science through use of innovative projects, coding competitions,
and guest lectures.
Members of the MPHS CSHS will receive a cord and pin at graduation and a club t-shirt to
wear during the year.
To be eligible to join CSHS, you must have at least one of the following requirements: be
currently enrolled in a computer science class and maintain above a 70%,
completion of a computer science class with an 80% or higher, or have proof of completion of a computer
science course with an 80% or higher.
Every year, we aim to build and improve and become the best club here at Myers Park, and this
year is no exception. We hope to see you in CSHS this year!